Thursday, October 24, 2013


I have been less than faithful about taking pictures. Funny how I carry a camera around in my pocket 24/7 and yet I don't take any time to document things. Hopefully i will be able to post some pictures of the ministry soon. I just want to make sure I have permission to post pics of people in my church first. Until then, here are some pics of our last month or two.

What a blessing it was to see Chris, Heather, Collin, and Tiffany Rucinski Last month. They were a huge encouragement to us, and the girls received an extra blessing by being able to spend time with Tiffany.
We also celebrated Jesse and Kristen's Birthday in Sept/Oct. Jesse is now 2 yrs old, and Kristen...

Emma is adjusting to school and Maggie is making friends and learning the language as well in Kindergarten. They are in school from 8am to 3:30, so we are hoping they pick it up quickly.

Teddy is doing well. He is growing up and adjusting well. Of all the kids, teddy struggled the most with transition, but he has come along way and even has a couple good friends. God is good

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October Update

It is with great apology that I am so late in sending this it. It was my hope to have a video done, but I have decided not to wait for that. So, here is an overdue update letter.


It has been a great answer to prayer how we have so quickly adjusted to life here in Germany. The support of our church family here, as well as the prayers of all of our family and friends back in the states have really been a huge encouragement, and God is answering prayers. The girls are both in school now and slowly figuring it out. I heard them arguing last week in English and German. Although they do not use the right words, and for the most part make no sense when they talk, it is a good sign that they are starting to adjust more and adapt to their life on Germany. god is good.

Teddy and Jesse are still at home, but they love where they are and Teddy is making friends in the church. It has been great to see him open up more to so many people.

Kristen is finally finished setting up the house. No more paint, and no more trips to Ikea...ok so there will be more trips to Ikea, but no more paint.


The church, by God's grace has been growing consistently, and we have had a large group of people join the church in the last few weeks. Our small group ministry is really becoming a part of our identity and a few key leaders in those groups are really beginning to take ownership of this ministry, as well as seek out new ways to reach people outside the church. My hope is to have a teen life group begin after Christmas. Please continue to pray specifically about this.

Kristen started a ladies bible study, and it has really taken off. There are about 6 or 7 ladies that meet every week to study through 1 Peter. A couple of to ladies that come have not yet been redeemed, but we believe God is working on their hearts. It is, in our minds, a matter of when not if.

This last month we had 2 people come and share their testimonies to be baptized. It was a great worship service, and the Gospel was clearly shared with people who came to watch, but do not have a relationship with The Lord. We are praying as God brings in the people that baptismal services will become a regular thing.

I have been preaching through Ephesians since I began in March and God is really grounding the church with his word. As part of my sermon from Ephesians 4 this last week, I had me young lady from Cameroon share how God showed her through the scriptures how, because of his great love for her, could forgive her father for abandoning her as a child. It was very powerful, and spoke directly to the application I was making in the text. God, through his word, is changing people, and sanctifying them through the work of the Spirit.

I am convinced that God is preparing great things for this church here in Cologne. We need to pray that God will prepare our hearts for the Harvest, as well as the attack from the enemy. We are entering into Carnival days, when the people of the city take off the masks of decency and order to celebrate sin and the lust of the flesh. Cologne is in a great need of the Gospel, and we are praying that God would position our church in such a way to be a light house that shines int the darkness.

Finally, until I get a video done, I will continue to write on this blog. Many of you who read this have partnered with us with your prayer and support and it is very important that you are able to pray with knowledge.

Thank you,

David Martin
International Baptist Church Cologne

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

slide show

Some people have asked for more pics, so here they are.  I hope you enjoy.  I am working on a ministry update at the moment, so for those who want to know specifically how God has been working in our lives, and in the life of the church, stay tuned...

Friday, June 21, 2013

a short testimony

So this is my third video. I would love some feedback to know if this media is a good way to keep you updated. I am still working on getting better at making videos, so hopefully you will see progress over time.


David Martin
International Baptist Church Cologne

Sunday, June 16, 2013

good news

God answered a lot of prayers this week. Here is a short video.


David Martin
International Baptist Church Cologne

Monday, June 10, 2013

First video

So here is the first installment of my video. The videos in the future will be much shorter...I hope you enjoy

To watch video please press Here

David Martin
International Baptist Church Cologne


Monday, April 1, 2013

Starting up again

Well we have been in Germany for two weeks now, and it is time to touch base with everyone. Things have been very busy with trying to find a house, find a car, get all our paperwork in order, as well as preaching the last two Sundays. With all the things happening at the same time, it can seem a little overwhelming, but God has been faithful, and we continue to trust in his guiding hand.

Our trip over was very nice. When we arrived at the airport in Denver we found out our flight through Iceland was delayed, so the airline booked us on a direct flight to Frankfurt. This flight would have been twice as expensive had we booked this route origianlly. God is good. After loading the kids (and all our carry-on stuff) onto the plane, we realized the blessing of a direct flight.

Some answers to prayers. We have found a house, and are working to finalize it this week. We were let down when we did not get the house we made an offer on originally, but God showed himself faithful. The house we will probably be moving into was the house Kristen liked back in November, but I dismissed it thinking it would be rented out before we got here. God is greater than the housing market! He kept the house open for us, and the owner was happy to rent it to us.

As soon as we get the first months payment to the owner, we can move ahead. This is a very important step for us because we will not be able to do anything else until we have an address. With this we can register with the city, get a bank account, find a car and get it registered, and apply for a work permit here in Germany. Many things are hinged on finding a residence, so we are hoping this gets resolved soon.

Yesterday I preached the easter service at our church, and administered the Lord's Supper. It had been a long time since the church had communion together. It was a very special time. I am not used to being called the Senior Pastor yet, but then again, I have only been here for two weeks. Despite everything else going on in our lives, God was gracious to give me the time I have needed to prepare my sermon. The Holy Spirit really ministered to my heart in preparing this last weeks sermon.

Please continue to pray for my family. Kristen has a lot on her plate when we get into our house. it is not the big stuff that can be overwhelming, but the little things we have to do. We have to buy light fixtures to put into the house, paint the walls, buy furniture (that means everything from Beds to tables, to desks, lamps etc). Thankfully we do not have to do this all in one day. If we can get our beds taken care of and I can put up some lights, we will be well off enough to begin to settle in. Some friends here in Cologne have already offered us a dining room table, and we have found some good deals on a website similar to Craigslist.

The kids are doing well. They are adjusting rather well. They spent the first week and a half with their cousins in Landstuhl (where Ben and Cat live) so that was a big blessing.

Well this is a long letter, and I will keep them shorter and specific from now on, but I thought I would start this off. We covet your prayers, and are excited to see how God is answering them. God is good.

In closing, I have to say that God is so good to us. I feel I am in the healthiest place we can be as a family. We are seeing God answer prayers, and yet we still have a lot of things left to work out. We see his provision and are left to trust him for the next step. This is a position in Christ I hope I always maintain.

hen we walk with the Lord, in the light of His word, what a glory he sheds on our way. While we do his good will, he abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey."

Location:Cologne, Germany